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Generate, monitor, share and respond to customer reviews

Make your reviews work for you.

  • Included in all upgraded hosting packages
  • $69/mo with our base Essentials hosting package
  • $249/mo Reputation Management + Review Response Bundle
  • $179/mo Review Response Only

Customer reviews are a highly effective marketing strategy.

But your customers must spread the good word about your business for you. So, what’s the best way? Using an online reputation management tool helps you generate reviews, monitor reviews and market those reviews on your website so you can build the reputation and credibility you deserve.

How it Works

  • Clients are sent to the review funnel where they will be able to indicate whether they had a good or bad experience.
  • If your client chooses to leave a good review, they are automatically directed to the sites where you want them to leave a review, such as Google or Facebook.
  • If their experience was poor, direct respondents along unique, contextual paths based on their answers by using custom surveys.


  • Review Generation

    Get reviews on Google, Facebook & over 100+ industry specific review sites with email and text request campaigns. It’s easy for your customers to write a 5 star review.

  • Review Monitoring

    Monitor reviews and respond to reviews on 100+ review sites. Keep your team up to date about reviews with daily email notifications.

  • Review Marketing

    Automatically stream your best reviews with a widget on your website and share your best reviews on social media.

  • Review Reporting

    Schedule review performance reports so you can clearly demonstrate the improvement of your reputation to everyone on your team.

Chat With a Specialist


Nicole Reinhardt, PMI of the Rockies

“The team at PMW is so easy to work with. Mitch makes the changes that I ask for with in seconds...And I do mean seconds. He has been so helpful on some crazy projects.”

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